Hazardous liquid waste
Swedish Exergy is committed to delivering cutting-edge hazardous liquid waste treatment solutions to protect the environment for future generations.
Advanced solutions for hazardous liquid waste treatment
Industrial processes generate wastewater containing harmful contaminants such as chemicals, oils, heavy metals, and radioactive materials. Consequently, these toxic waste streams can pose serious environmental risks if not treated properly. For example, untreated wastewater can pollute vast areas, harm ecosystems, and leave long-lasting, often irreversible damage to water bodies and surrounding habitats.
Therefore, effective hazardous liquid waste treatment is essential to protecting aquatic life, preserving natural resources, and ensuring the sustainability of our environment. Addressing industrial wastewater can prevent contamination, safeguard water quality, and promote a healthier ecosystem for future generations.
At Swedish Exergy, we specialize in innovative solutions that ensure hazardous liquid waste from various industries is treated responsibly and efficiently. Let’s work together to protect our planet.

Swedish Exergy has a wide experience in treating hazardous liquid waste across the following industries:

Automotive and Aerospace Industries
The automotive and aerospace sectors generate wastewater, often containing oils, fats, cleaning agents, and toxic chemicals. However, our advanced technologies efficiently treat these pollutants, ensuring environmental protection and sustainable water management.

Solvent and Chemical Recovery
Industrial processes often discharge wastewater containing valuable solvents. In response, Swedish Exergy’s recycling solutions recover these valuable resources, reducing production costs and minimizing waste, which helps to promote sustainability and resource efficiency.

Workshops and Steel Manufacturing
From machining, welding, and surface treatments to rolling mills, workshops, and steel manufacturers produce wastewater requiring specialized handling. To address this, our tailored solutions manage cooling liquids and byproducts, all while maintaining compliance with environmental standards.

Oil Emulsions and Hazardous liquid waste
Our solutions are specifically designed to treat oil emulsions from refining and transportation, as well as hazardous liquid waste from chemical production and battery handling. In doing so, we ensure safe disposal and full environmental compliance, protecting both human health and the ecosystem.

Nuclear Wastewater
Radioactive contaminated wastewater from nuclear power plants, the decommissioning of nuclear power plants, nuclear warships, and nuclear submarines demands precision in treatment. Therefore, our cutting-edge technologies not only safely treat these contaminants, but also help ensure safe operations and environmental responsibility.

Waste Dump Sites and Leachate Treatment
Leachate from dump sites contains harmful chemicals and heavy metals that threaten ecosystems. Thankfully, our advanced treatment systems neutralize these pollutants, protecting groundwater and surrounding environments.
Contact us for any inquiries.
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Gamla Rambergsvägen 34
SE-417 10, Gothenburg
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