Exergy Superheated Steam Dryer

Our products have a long life cycle, low maintenance and high quality for their different applications.

The ExergyPSSD®

Invented in the late ’70s at the Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, our world-leading Superheated Steam Dryer uses superheated steam as media for drying of solid materials like paper pulp, sawdust, wood waste, animal feed, wet distillers grain, peat, sludge, tea, EFB (Empty Fruit Bunches), agro biomass, bagasse, sugar beet pulp, wet solid waste, etc. The applications are many, and the results are great.

How does the steam dryer work?

The steam dryer is a closed, pressurized system where the wet product is exposed to superheated steam. The steam is heated through superheated surfaces with either flue gas, steam or thermal oil as the heating media.

Dried product and superheated steam are separated in a cyclone and the steam is recirculated. If the product is very wet, part of the dried product is recirculated back to the mixer where it is mixed with the wet product.

Water in the wet product becomes steam in the dryer that eventually can be reused in other processes.

Contact us for any inquiries.

Swedish Office

Gamla Rambergsvägen 34
SE-417 10,  Gothenburg
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